Saturday, April 18, 2009


Caden loves the movie cars. So his mom, (our 6th daughter, Dustie) decided to give him a cars party. And of course there had to be several box cars to be made !! Dustie, her husband George, George's brother and I stayed up until 3:00 in the morning making them !! A lot of diet coke was drank that night... The car's really turned out cute. It was worth it !!!

This is the birthday boy, taking his first drive around the streets of his back yard. Yes you heard me right, Cadens mom and dad made a road around the whole back yard with yards of tar paper that you use for your roof tops and then painted white lines on it. It looked just like a mini road. The kids had a blast with their cars on the road !!

This is Cadens cousin Easton, doesn't he look so cool in his car... Easton is also a darling grandson. He is the same age as Caden.

Watch out !! He just ran a stop sign....

This is one of Caden's little Friend's

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